Picture a beautiful summer day: the sky is clear, it is hot, and you are hosting an event for which you have spent a great deal of time planning. You have decided not to hire security guards because you have never used them before, and perhaps the idea seems a bit ostentatious to you. The day begins well, the food is perfectly displayed, the drinks are chilled, even the weather is cooperating with clear skies and a slight breeze.
As people begin to arrive, you discover that you need to remain near the door to make sure that only those people who you have invited are entering the event. Finally everyone has arrived and you close the door but as you move through your guests you discover that the food needs to be replenished, as do the drinks, you hurry off to take care of these things, and return to find that Mrs. Whatsit has succumbed to the heat. While you are focusing on getting attention for her, it is discovered that little Johnny is nowhere to be found, and you don’t remember letting in that scruffy fellow who is stuffing sandwiches and cold chicken in his mouth as if he hasn’t eaten in days. You make a quick decision that saving the food can wait and get everyone who isn’t helping with Mrs. Whatsit looking for Johnny.
Being a wonderful host/hostess, everything eventually works out. Mrs. Whatsit just needed some water and a chance to sit down for a while, Johnny had met a puppy and followed it but was found safely. And you got rid of the bottomless pit without too much trouble. The party is over but you realize that you missed the best part of it. You spent hours preparing, and cleaning up and resolving difficulties and missed all the pleasure of your work yet none of the anxiety.
Let’s rewind and see what would have happened had you hired security guards: Several days ago your security specialist met with you at the location of your event and completed a full security assessment. You discussed key “hotspots” and particulars to your event. You concur to as where, when and why guards would be needed. Key locations are identified; guard posts, along with guard tour routes are put in place focusing on sustaining congruency through synergy.
Approximately half an hour before people are due to arrive, the security guards, dressed neatly in uniform with ties and polished shoes, are at your location introducing themselves. As a result of the advance meeting with the security specialist, they already know precisely what they are to do and they go to their positions. One of them goes to the entrance to ensure that only your guests enter. As you complete your last few finishing touches you also head to the entrance so that you can greet your guests, knowing that you can spend as much time as you want with each one and give them all the attention they deserve.
As the event continues, you have the opportunity to enjoy your party. From time to time you notice the security guards moving around but overall they are inconspicuous. Nothing untoward occurs to disrupt your event, and you wonder if it was really a good use of money to hire the guards.
A couple of days later, you receive the reports from the security company. That is when you discover that there was a scruffy looking fellow who was turned away at the door. He looked like a derelict and didn’t know who the host for the party was, or what the event was for. There were two separate incidences where a guest had enjoyed more alcohol than was good for him – since the security guards all had Smart Serve they were able to quietly refuse admittance to one guest, and escort another off the premises and into a taxi. You also find out that dear old Mrs. Whatsit was not feeling well. Your security guards all have First Aid and CPR and recognized that she was dehydrated. One brought her to a chair in the shade and got her some water, subtly observing her until she was suitably recovered. At the same time, he noticed young Johnny following a puppy, and since he had already taken note of which adults were Johnny’s parents, he quietly drew the mother’s attention to her straying son. Every person at the event, including you, had the opportunity to enjoy food, drink, and company with no concerns about gatecrashers, or other emergencies.
When security guards are hired to work at a special event, whether it is a wedding, a concert, a fundraiser, or a charity event, you can rest assured that you will be able to focus on the needs of the event rather than having to be concerned about the possible liabilities which may arise from undesirable guests, or even desirable guests who perhaps consume too much alcohol, or choose to misbehave. Medical emergencies can be averted by the use of reasonable diligence on the part of the First Aid and CPR certified guards, and onsite treatment of First Aid problems will increase the speed of recovery of anyone who falls ill or has an accident while at your event while reducing the liabilities of the organizers.
There is no substitution for being fully prepared for an event, just as you would make sure that you had enough food, plates, and chairs for everyone, does it not also make sense to prepare for the unexpected or even the unwanted? Hiring a reputable security company with an event team, will ensure that not only will your event be more enjoyable for all organizers involved, but will also ease the minds of the guests to know that professionals are on hand to deal with any unpleasantness. Over all, the presence of security will only enhance the pleasure of all those involved in the event whether guest or host.